Traffic Emission Dashboard

​Traffic Emission Dashboard displays cities path and progress towards carbon neutrality in traffic

Transport represents almost a quarter of Europe's greenhouse gas emissions, and road transport is the main cause of air pollution in cities. Most cities aim for carbon-neutrality but reaching it will not be easy and requires multiple actions. The challenge for cities is to understand to what measures should they invest in and if the investments lead to the emission targets.

Traffic Emission Dashboard combines strategic transport modelling with real-time traffic data, resulting as a dashboard for monitoring traffic-based emissions and variables affecting it in relation to the emission targets.

Traffic Emission Dashboard enable strategic level planning to reach the carbon-neutrality in traffic. It enables monitoring the development of traffic-based CO2 emissions and to test the effects of corrective planning measures, if the actual emission amounts do not follow the target.

For any further information, get in touch with our Head of Digital Mobility Lab Teemu Sihvola or your local Ramboll e-mobility expert.


Teemu Sihvola

Head of Digital Mobility Lab

+358 40 735 8885



Displays cities path and progress towards carbon neutrality in traffic