GPS Data Analysis

Detailed road network insight of traffic patterns and characteristics for deeper understanding of traffic conditions and travel behaviour

GPS Data is cost-effective and reliable method for analysing vehicle movements and evaluate speed, traffic volumes and preferred routes. Data can be provided as historical or real time data.

Ramboll is global reseller for TomTom data so we can use TomTom data in all needed locations. Our clients can purchase data as subscription, as separate data packages or as part of project-specific analysis.

GPS Data provides strong value in identifying road performance, road choice and mobility patterns without installations of fixed equipment. Data can also be used  to provide real-time insight on existing traffic conditions such as incidents and speed reductions directly through API’s.

For any further information, get in touch with our Business Owner Erik Hedman or your local Smart Mobility expert.


Erik Hedman

Lead Consultant

+46 70 284 5483



Detailed road network wide insight of traffic patterns and characteristics