BRUTUS by Ramboll

Highly detailed analysis of the socio-economic effects of transport policies

Planning gets more integral and holistic. With new questions regarding health, climate, equity and new mobility modes, understanding and influencing travel demand is becoming more important than just adding supply to the transport system. Luckily, there is nowadays a lot of data available on user needs and mobility patterns to make new kind of analysis. Decision-making can be made more rational and pre-emptive.

BRUTUS by Ramboll is an individual-level and activity-based transport demand model equipped with a multi-modal modelling engine simulating how everyone is likely to travel in the transport system. On top of the modelling engine, we have implemented a wide range of applications.

Our clients can explore simulation results and analyze scenarios through the cloud and browser-based UI even without any expert knowledge on the model itself.

For any further information, get in touch with us at


Teemu Sihvola

Head of Digital Mobility Lab

+358 40 735 8885



BRUTUS - Brutally detailed transport modelling